Ambrosia Angus LLC - Andy Altizer - B & H Trucking - Carpenter Acres Inc. - Christal Crowder - Danny Graham - Doug & Chris Alford - Doyle Brothers Show Lambs - Fesler Insurance Agency - Heidi & Billy Doyle - Home Depot - Jason & Jeremy Thomas - Jeff & Cindy Gerard - Jennifer Barton, DMV - Kirby & Jane Guthrie - KJFM, Eagle 102 - Marilyn Hyde - Mark & Cindy Allen - Marvin Wilke, DMV & Leah Wilke - Mefford Chiropractic Center LTD - Mike Kinscherff - Nancy Smith Leach - Pam Smithers - Pike County Lumber Co. - Pike/Scott Farm Bureau - PIttsfield Farm & Home Supply - Pleasant Hill FFA Chapter - Rebecca Bradshaw Myers - RTW Cattle - Shari Borrowman - Shelter Insurance Company - Shireman Memorials - State Farm Insurance - Terry & Jane Hubbard - The Collard Family - Wanda Throne - Wright Auto Body Inc.
June 4, 2024 – Sheep/Goat Open Show 9:00 AM
June 5, 2024 – Beef Open Show - 1:00 PM
June 6, 2024 - Swine Show - 9:30 AM
Show: June 5th - Start 1:00 pm
Superintendents: Mary Barnes 217-473-7091 and Cindy Gerard 217-473-1324
All entries due by May 24, 2024 Total Premium Offered - $13,315 g$50.00, 2nd $45.00, 3rd $40.00, 4th $35.00 5th $30.00
Entry Fee: $10.00 – Pen Fee $4.00 per head
Online Entries will be available by May 1 st and the link is : or contact Cindy Gerard at 217-473-1324 or by email at
Specific Department Rules
● Exhibitors must own animals 30 days prior to show.
● Health papers must accompany all animals and be shown to the superintendent upon request.
● Champion classes are limited to 1st place animals. No entry fees for champion classes.
● There will be only 2 monies per exhibitor per class.
● Exhibitors must sign receipt of payment for premium checks to be released. Contact Cindy Gerard or Cole McKinnon, Treasurer, for any questions.
● Animals will not be released until June 5 and signed receipts for premium checks received.
● All animals must be in place by 1:00pm on June 4 th , 2024.
● Steer weight In 6/4/2024 5:00pm
● Must have registration papers – No Show, No Refund.
● The superintendent has the right to combine classes if only ONE animal is entered in a class. A minimum of five animals are required for any breed.
● All animals showing in group classes must show in a single class
● Show order Hereford, Angus, Shorthorn, Simmental, Cross/AOB, Miniature
Overall Grand Champion Steer—$200 and Plaque #14-110
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Steer- $100 and Plaque #14-711
Overall Grand Champion Female—$200 and Plaque #15-110
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Female- $100 and Plaque #15-711
Overall Grand Champion Bull - $100 and Plaque #19-110
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Bull - Ribbon #19-711
Junior Beef Showmanship—Plaque #16-110
Senior Beef Showmanship—Plaque#17-110 2
Hereford Angus Shorthorn Simmental Cross/ AOB Miniature
Heifer Calf Born after 11/1 of previous year A-1-110 A-1-210 A-1-310 A-1-410 A-1-510 A-1-610
Summer Yearling Heifer Born 7/1/23 to 10/31/23 A-2-110 A-2-210 A-2-310 A-2-410 A-2-510 A-2-610
Spring Yearling Heifer Born 4/1/23 to 6/30/23 A-3-110 A-3-210 A-3-310 A-3-410 A-3-510 A-3-610
Junior Yearling Heifer Born 1/1/23 to 3/31/23 A-4-110 A-4-210 A-4-310 A-4-410 A-4-510 A-4-610
Senior Yearling Heifer Born 9/1/22 to 12/31/22 A-5-110 A-5-210 A-5-310 A-5-410 A-5-510 A-5-610
Pair of Heifers A-6-110 A-6-210 A-6-310 A-6-410 A-6-510 A-6-610
Winter Bull, Born after 9-1-2023 A-7-110 A-7-210 A-7-310 A-7-410 A-7-510 A-7-610
Senior Bull, Born prior to 9-1-2023 A-8-110 A-8-210 A-8-310 A-8-410 A-8-510 A-8-610
Pair of Yearlings (1 heifer and 1 bull born 1/1/23 to 10/31/23 A-9-110 A-9-210 A-9-310 A-9-410 A-9-510 A-9-610
Cow/Calf Pair A-10-110 A-10-210 A-10-310 A-10-410 A-10-510 A-10-610
Market Steers Premiums 1st 55.00, 2nd $45.00 , 3rd $40.00, 4th $35.00, 5th $30.00
Steer -Light Weight A-11-300
Steer -Medium Weight A-11-301
Steer- Heavy Weight A-11-302
Jr. Showmanship- under 13 years old A-14-400 Senior Showmanship- 13 and older A-15-401
Show: June 5th - Start 1:00 pm
Superintendents: Mary Barnes 217-473-7091 and Cindy Gerard 217-473-1324
All entries due by May 24, 2024 Total Premium Offered - $13,315 g$50.00, 2nd $45.00, 3rd $40.00, 4th $35.00 5th $30.00
Entry Fee: $10.00 – Pen Fee $4.00 per head
Online Entries will be available by May 1 st and the link is : or contact Cindy Gerard at 217-473-1324 or by email at
Specific Department Rules
● Exhibitors must own animals 30 days prior to show.
● Health papers must accompany all animals and be shown to the superintendent upon request.
● Champion classes are limited to 1st place animals. No entry fees for champion classes.
● There will be only 2 monies per exhibitor per class.
● Exhibitors must sign receipt of payment for premium checks to be released. Contact Cindy Gerard or Cole McKinnon, Treasurer, for any questions.
● Animals will not be released until June 5 and signed receipts for premium checks received.
● All animals must be in place by 1:00pm on June 4 th , 2024.
● Steer weight In 6/4/2024 5:00pm
● Must have registration papers – No Show, No Refund.
● The superintendent has the right to combine classes if only ONE animal is entered in a class. A minimum of five animals are required for any breed.
● All animals showing in group classes must show in a single class
● Show order Hereford, Angus, Shorthorn, Simmental, Cross/AOB, Miniature
Overall Grand Champion Steer—$200 and Plaque #14-110
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Steer- $100 and Plaque #14-711
Overall Grand Champion Female—$200 and Plaque #15-110
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Female- $100 and Plaque #15-711
Overall Grand Champion Bull - $100 and Plaque #19-110
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Bull - Ribbon #19-711
Junior Beef Showmanship—Plaque #16-110
Senior Beef Showmanship—Plaque#17-110 2
Hereford Angus Shorthorn Simmental Cross/ AOB Miniature
Heifer Calf Born after 11/1 of previous year A-1-110 A-1-210 A-1-310 A-1-410 A-1-510 A-1-610
Summer Yearling Heifer Born 7/1/23 to 10/31/23 A-2-110 A-2-210 A-2-310 A-2-410 A-2-510 A-2-610
Spring Yearling Heifer Born 4/1/23 to 6/30/23 A-3-110 A-3-210 A-3-310 A-3-410 A-3-510 A-3-610
Junior Yearling Heifer Born 1/1/23 to 3/31/23 A-4-110 A-4-210 A-4-310 A-4-410 A-4-510 A-4-610
Senior Yearling Heifer Born 9/1/22 to 12/31/22 A-5-110 A-5-210 A-5-310 A-5-410 A-5-510 A-5-610
Pair of Heifers A-6-110 A-6-210 A-6-310 A-6-410 A-6-510 A-6-610
Winter Bull, Born after 9-1-2023 A-7-110 A-7-210 A-7-310 A-7-410 A-7-510 A-7-610
Senior Bull, Born prior to 9-1-2023 A-8-110 A-8-210 A-8-310 A-8-410 A-8-510 A-8-610
Pair of Yearlings (1 heifer and 1 bull born 1/1/23 to 10/31/23 A-9-110 A-9-210 A-9-310 A-9-410 A-9-510 A-9-610
Cow/Calf Pair A-10-110 A-10-210 A-10-310 A-10-410 A-10-510 A-10-610
Market Steers Premiums 1st 55.00, 2nd $45.00 , 3rd $40.00, 4th $35.00, 5th $30.00
Steer -Light Weight A-11-300
Steer -Medium Weight A-11-301
Steer- Heavy Weight A-11-302
Jr. Showmanship- under 13 years old A-14-400 Senior Showmanship- 13 and older A-15-401
Department F - Sheep Open Show
Show: June 4, 2024 at 10:00 am
Superintendents: Chuck Stephenson Phone: 217-982-2550
All entries due by May 24, 2024
Total Premiums Offered $5,274.00
1st-$25.00; 2nd -$22.00; 3rd -$19.00; 4th- $16.00; 5th- $14
Entry Fee $8.00 per class. Pen Rent $5 per head.
Online Entries will be available by May 1st and the link is : or you may contact Cindy Gerard at 217-473-1324 or by email at
Specific Department Rules
● Exhibitors must own animals 30 days prior to the show.
● All sheep must have a scrapie tag and ear tag.
● Health papers must accompany all animals and be shown to the superintendent upon request.
● Any animal showing signs of infections, contagious, or communicable diseases are subject to quarantine or removal from the fairgrounds.
● The fair reserves the right to cancel, revise, or substitute a class for the best interest of the show.
● Exhibitors must sign receipt of payment for premium checks to be released. Contact Cindy Gerard or Cole McKinnon, Treasurer, for any questions.
● Champion classes are limited to 1st place animals. No entry fees for champion classes.
● There will only be two entries per exhibitor per class.
● All animals must be in place by June 3, 2024 8:00 p.m.
● Records and Vet Check and weight on June 4, 2024 8:00 am.
● A ewe/ram lamb born after January 1, 2024
● A yearling ewe/ram is 1 year/or not over 2 years of age.
● Ewes shown in breeding may not be shown in Market classes.
● Must keep pens and areas clean.
● Judging category order: Southdown, Suffolk, Shropshire, AOB/Crossbred, Hampshire
● Show order: Yearling Ram, Fall Ram, Ram Lamb, Yearling Ewe, Fall Ewe, Early Spring Ewe, Late Spring Ewe, Pair of Rams, Pair of Ewes, Market lambs (classes will be based on weights)
Overall Grand Champion Ewe—$200 and Blanket #13-110
Overall Reserve Champion Ewe–$50 and Ribbon #14-110
Overall Grand Champion Market Lamb— $100 and Blanket #17-110
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb –$50 Ribbon #18-110
Overall Grand Champion Ram- $100 and Blanket #117-110
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Ram- $50 Ribbon #118-110
Jr. Sheep Showmanship— Plaque #116-100
Senior Sheep Showmanship—Plaque #115-100
Category Hampshire Southdown Suffolk Shropshire AOB & Crossbred
Yearling Ram F-1-110 F-1-210 F-1-310 F-1-410 F-1-510
Fall Lamb -Born between 9/1/22 to 12/21/22 F-2-110 F-2-210 F-2-310 F-2-410 F-2-510
Ram Lamb Born after 1/1/23 F-3-110 F-3-210 F-3-310 F-3-410 F-3-510
Yearling Ewe Born between 1/1/22 to 1/1/23 F-4-110 F-4-210 F-4-310 F-4-410 F-4-510
Fall Ewe Born between 9/1/22 to 12/21/22 F-5-110 F-5-210 F-5-310 F-5-410 F-5-510
Early Ewe lamb Born between 1/1/23 to 2/15/23 F-6-110 F-6-210 F-6-310 F-6-410 F-6-510
Late Ewe lamb Born between 2/16/23 to 3/31/23 F-7-110 F-7-210 F-7-310 F-7-410 F-7-510
Pair of Ewes F-8 -110 F-8 -210 F-8 -310 F-8 -410 F-8 -510
Pair of Rams F-9- 110 F-9- 210 F-9- 310 F-9- 410 F-9- 510
Market Lambs Premiums 1st - $30.00, 2nd - $27.00, 3rd - $24.00, 4th - $20,00, 5th - $17.00
Market Lamb Light Weight 50-90#wether or ewe F-10-110
Market Lamb Medium Weight 91-130# wether or ewe F- 10-111
Market Lamb Heavy Weight 131-150 wether or ewe F- 11-112
Sr. Showmanship 13 & older F-115-110
Jr. Showmanship under 13 F-116-110
Open Show June 6, 2024 9:30am
Superintendents: Jeff Gerard 217-473-1323 and Cody Bowen 217-939-1487
All entries due by May 24, 2024
Total Premiums offered: $750
1st- $40; 2nd-$35.00; 3rd-$30; 4th-$25; 5th-$20
Entry Fee $15.00 per animal
Market Swine Show Specific Department Rules
Entries must be made by May 24, 2024. All gilts and barrows will be entered in the lightweight class. Superintendent will correct classes after weigh-in.
● All animals on grounds by 9:00 am Thursday, June 6, 2024.
● Weigh-in June 6, 9:00 am. Classes will be broken by weight, when no scale is available, the judge will break classes.
● All animals must comply with the Illinois Livestock Health requirements for fair and exhibits.
● Exhibitors must own animals 30 days prior to show.
● Official veterinary health certificates must accompany all animals and show to the superintendent upon request.
● Exhibitors are allowed to show off the trailer.
● Only 2 entries per exhibitor per class. Only 2 premiums paid per class
● Champions are limited to 1st place animals.
● Exhibitors must sign receipt of payment for premium checks to be released. Contact Cindy Gerard or Cole McKinnon, Treasurer, for any questions.
● Alcohol is prohibited on the ground. No smoking in the barns or show arena.
● Judges' decision final.
● Classes will show as listed.
● Entries Due: May 24, 2024 - Online Entries will be available by May 1 st and the link is : or you may contact Cindy Gerard at 217-473-1324 or by email at
Open Swine Show Classes:
Market Hogs Light Weight Heavy weight Market Gilt G-1-1 G-3-1
Market Barrow G-2-1 G-4-1
Junior Showmanship- under 13 years old G-5-1
Senior Showmanship- 13 and older G-6-1
Grand Champion Market Hog- Plaque and $100 G-7-1
Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog - Plaque and $50 G-8-1
Senior Showmanship - Plaque Junior Showmanship- Plaque
Show Time: June 4, 2024
Start: Immediately following sheep show
Total Premium Offered - $1,480
1st $26.00, 2nd $23.00, 3rd $20.00, 4th $17.00 5th $14.00
Superintendents: Kaylee Harrison 217-730-2109
Entry Fee: $8.00 – Pen Fee $5.00 per head
Online entries available through link below.
Specific Department Rules:
1. Exhibitors must own animals 30 days prior to the show.
2. Health papers must accompany all animals and be shown to the superintendent upon request.
3. Any animal showing signs of infections, contagious, or communicable diseases are subject to quarantine or removal from the fairgrounds.
4. The fair reserves the right to cancel, revise, or substitute a class for the best interest of the show.
5. Champion classes are limited to 1st place animals. No entry fees for champion classes.
6. There will only be two entries per exhibitor per class.
7. All animals must be in place by June 3, 2024, by 8:00 p.m.
8. Exhibitors must sign receipt of payment for premium checks to be released. Contact Cindy Gerard or Cole McKinnon, Treasurer, for any questions.
Grand Champion Doe - $ 55
Plaque and rosette Reserve Grand Champion Doe - $ 40 rosette
Champion Meat Wether - $ 60, Plaque and rosette
Reserve Champion Meat Wether - $ 40, rosette
Grand Champion Buck- $55 ,Plaque and rosette
Reserve Grand Champion Buck - Rosette
Junior Showmanship - Plaque
Senior Showmanship- Plaque
Goat Show Offerings:
Late Junior Kid Does– April 1 to Show Date U-1-1
Junior Kid Does – January 1 to March 31 U-1-2
Fall Kid Does– September 1 to Dec 31 U-1-3
Yearlings 1 Year and Under 2 Years Does U-1-4
2–3-year-old Does U-1-5
Pair of Does – Any age. U-1-6
Junior Kid – January 1 to Show Date Bucks U-2-1
Fall Kid – September 1 to Dec 31 Bucks U-2-2
Pair of Bucks - any age U-2-3
Meat Wethers- Lightweight 80-100 lbs. U-3-1
Meat Wethers- Medium weight 101-110 lbs. U-3-2
Meat Wethers – Heavyweight 111 And Up U-3-3
Goat Showmanship Senior- 13 and older U-4-1
Goat Showmanship Junior- under 13 U-4-
For Health Requirement Information:
Illinois Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare State Fairgrounds
P.O. Box 19281 Springfield, IL 62794-9281
Phone (217) 782-4944
These Exhibition Health Requirements apply to all livestock present at the fair including those animals that are not entered in competitive events.
1. Exhibitors are required to familiarize themselves with all rules applicable to their exhibits. All out-of-state animals require an entry permit. Entry permit numbers are available online at
2. All animals, except as noted, shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) which shows that the animal meets all health requirements for the State of Illinois. CVI’s shall be made available to the Bureau of Animal Health Personnel on request. If an official electronic CVI is utilized, the exhibitor should be able to log on and show the Bureau of Animal Health Personnel the completed CVI.
CVI means a legible record made on an official form from the state of origin which has been issued, signed, and dated by an accredited veterinarian and which shows the name and address of the animal’s owner or exhibitor and the results of all required tests or vaccinations. A CVI shall list only one animal identification per line; shall be presented on the form on which it was initially issued; and shall not be corrected, changed, or altered in any manner.
3. All animals shall be officially identified. The animal(s) official identification shall be recorded on the CVI.
Animal identification number (AIN): A numbering system for the official identification of individual animals in the United States that provides a nationally unique identification number for each animal. The AIN consists of 15 digits, with the first 3 being the country code (840 for the United States or a unique country code for any U.S. territory that has such a code and elects to use it in place of the 840 code)
4. If animals are from tuberculosis accredited, brucellosis certified, pseudorabies qualified, or brucellosis validated herds, the identifying herd number(s) along with the date of the last herd test(s) shall appear on the CVI.
5. CVI for out-of-state livestock shall be void thirty (30) days after issuance.
6. CVI for Illinois-origin livestock shall be void ninety (90) days after issuance.
7. All livestock shall be subject to examination upon entry to any Illinois fair or exhibition. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious, or communicable diseases shall be immediately withdrawn and held in quarantine at the owner’s risk and expense until properly treated and recovered, or until the animal is released to return to the owner’s premise.
Any livestock infected with scabies, mange, active lesions of ringworm, sore mouth, or multiple warts which are easily visible without close examination shall not be permitted to exhibit and are subject to quarantine or removal from the fairgrounds.
Sheep and goats with caseous lymphadenitis as evidenced by draining abscesses shall not be exhibited and are subject to immediate quarantine or removal from the fairgrounds.
8. Illinois Department of Agriculture personnel or designee may collect blood, tissue, milk, or urine samples from any animal being exhibited and/or raced at any Illinois fair to test for the presence of illegal drugs or banned substances. Examination techniques, such as ultrasound, may also be used at any time while the animals are on the grounds of any Illinois fair or exhibit.
The Illinois Department of Agriculture or designee may collect urine, blood, tissue, or other test samples from exhibition animals at the time of slaughter.
9. All exhibitors of animals at any Illinois fair or exhibition shall comply with the provisions of the Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act. If violations are observed, the animals(s) will be excused from exhibition and ordered removed from the grounds with all awards being forfeited.
Any practice or deviation from normal, accepted care, including physical, medical, or mechanical application, shall constitute a violation of show rules and may result in the animal(s) disqualification and removal from the fairgrounds.
10. Any Illinois cattle, bison, Cervidae or goats being exhibited in non-accredited free states must be isolated from the remainder of the herd/flock upon return to Illinois and retested for tuberculosis 60-120 days post-entry.
Individual identification of each animal shall be either a fully healed and legible tattoo, approved official ear tag, registration number (can only be used if the tattoo is recorded on the registration certificate or for breeds where pictures are acceptable), or individual brands, if brand is recorded on the registration certificate.
Beginning in 2025, individual identification of each animal shall be by a USDA official animal identification number ear tag, (“840” tag). The tag must be able to be read both visually and electronically
Illinois Cattle
Illinois is a Bovine Brucellosis Class-Free State. Brucellosis testing is not required for Illinois cattle.
Illinois is an Accredited Tuberculosis- Free State. Tuberculin testing is not required for Illinois cattle.
Please note: Illinois calves under 6 months of age, and Illinois steers are not required to have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
All out-of-state cattle are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Entry permit numbers are available online at
1. Female cattle six (6) months of age and older and bulls eighteen (18) months of age and older shall be negative to an official test for brucellosis within thirty (30) days prior to entry, unless exempt by one (1) of the following:
A. Originate directly from a certified brucellosis-free herd.
B. Official vaccinates of dairy breeds under twenty (20) months of age or official vaccinates of beef breeds under twenty-four (24) months of age.
C. Animal originated from a “Class Free” state (if entire state is so classified)
D. Steers and spayed heifers are not required to be tested for brucellosis.
2. The negative brucellosis test shall be conducted at a state or federal laboratory within 30 days prior to exhibition
1. Accredited Tuberculosis Free States
A. No tuberculin test required. All cattle, including steers, originating from an Accredited Tuberculosis Free State, may enter Illinois for exhibition when accompanied by a CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days.
2. Non-Accredited Tuberculosis Free Areas or States (Not TB Free)
A. Cattle must originate from a herd where a complete herd test was conducted within the past year.
B. The individual animals entering Illinois must be negative to an additional tuberculin test conducted within 30 days prior to exhibition.
C. Cattle that enter Illinois for exhibition and remain in Illinois (animal does not return to the state of origin within 30 days) must be isolated and retested for TB 60-120 daysfrom the last official TB test date.
Illinois Swine Identification 1. Swine shall be identified by an official ear tag, tattoo or recognized breed ear notch. 2. Ear notch identification is acceptable for all barrows, crossbred gilts and breeding swine. (Note: Ear notch identification of crossbred swine does not satisfy USDA identification requirements for interstate movement or official testing.) Beginning in 2025, individual identification of each animal shall be by a USDA official animal identification number ear tag, (“840” tag). The tag must be able to be read both visually and electronically. Brucellosis Brucellosis testing is not required for Illinois swine. Pseudorabies Pseudorabies testing is not required for Illinois swine.
Out-of-State Swine All out-of-state swine are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Entry permit numbers are available online at Identification 1. Individually identified by an official ear tag, tattoo or recognized breed ear notch. 2. Ear notch identification is not acceptable for crossbred animals. Beginning in 2025, individual identification of each animal shall be by a USDA official animal identification number ear tag, (“840” tag). The tag must be able to be read both visually and electronically. Brucellosis 1. Breeding swine 4 months of age and older shall be negative to an official test for brucellosis within 30 days prior to exhibition unless exempt by one (1) of the following: A. Originate immediately and directly from a validated brucellosis-free herd. 5 B. Originate directly from a validated brucellosis-free state. 2. Swine brucellosis tests for exhibition shall be conducted at a state or federal laboratory. Pseudorabies 1. Swine originating from a Pseudorabies Stage IV or V state are exempt from the pseudorabies testing requirement. 2. Swine originating from a Pseudorabies Stage III state shall be negative to an official test for pseudorabies conducted within thirty (30) days prior to entry or originate immediately and directly from a qualified pseudorabies negative herd. 3. Swine originating from a Pseudorabies Stage I or II state shall be negative to an official test for pseudorabies conducted within the 10 days prior to entry. 4. Barrows and females in market classes must meet the same requirements as breeding swine
Individual identification of each animal shall be by an ear tattoo or official metal or plastic tag. A microchip ID is acceptable if the owner provides the reader.
Ear tattoos may be used when a registration certificate, listing the tattoo number, accompanies the animal.
When using ear tags, the tag must indicate the premises ID and state of origin. The tag number must be assigned by a state or APHIS representative and recorded in the Scrapie Record Database.
Market Lambs
All market lambs must be slick shorn (show ring ready) before weigh-in so that lamb fungus can be identified.
Illinois Sheep
1. Sheep originating from a flock that has previously been classified as either an infected or source flock can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved flock plan.
2. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different.
Out-of-State Sheep
All out-of-state sheep are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Entry permit numbers are available online at
1. Sheep originating from a flock that has previously been classified as either an infected or source flock can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved flock plan.
2. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different.
Individual identification of each animal shall be by an ear tattoo or official metal or plastic tag. A microchip ID is acceptable if the owner provides the reader.
Tattoos may be used when a registration certificate, listing the tattoo number, accompanies the animal.
When using ear tags, the tag must indicate the premises ID and state of origin. The tag number must be assigned by a state or APHIS representative and recorded in the Scrapie Record Database.
Ears should be used for tattooing when possible. If there is no space in the ear, the flank or tail fold may be used.
Illinois Goats
1. Goats originating from a herd that has previously been classified as either an infected or source herd can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved herd plan.
2. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different.
Out-of-State Goats
All out-of-state goats are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Entry permit numbers are available online at
1. Goats originating from a herd that has previously been classified as either an infected or source herd can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved herd plan.
2. Tuberculosis- Goats from areas or states that are not Accredited Bovine Tuberculosis Free, must be accompanied by a CVI indicating that the goats originated from a herd where a complete negative herd test has been conducted within the past twelve (12) months and the individual animals are negative to a tuberculin test conducted within thirty (30) days prior to entry. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different.
Illinois Equine
1. All horses and other Equidae, twelve (12) months of age and older attending an advertised equine event, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal.
2. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted.
3. An advertised equine event means a show, rodeo, sale, auction, exhibition, trail ride, or horse fair that is posted or media promoted.
4. A CVI is not required for Illinois equine.
Out-of-State Equine
All out-of-state equines are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Entry permit numbers are available online at
1. All horses and other Equidae entering Illinois that are twelve (12) months of age or older, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal.
2. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted.
3. All horses and other Equidae shall be accompanied by a CVI issued within thirty (30) days prior to entry.
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